Plants don't waste water - People do!

Learn the water requirements of your plants and just give them what they need. Over-watering probably causes more plant losses than under-watering.
Newly-planted trees/shrubs require more frequent watering than established plants.
Water less in August and September than May, June and July unless trees are just planted. Trees need time to harden off before a hard freeze occurs. Cutting back on watering should give them time to accomplish this.
Adjust automatic irrigation systems monthly and pay attention! Heavy precipitation may warrant shutting off your system temporarily.
Wipe Weeds Away
Flower beds can present a special problem when it comes to weed eradication, particularly when the weeds are strong-rooted ones that resist being hand-pulled. Spraying an overhead herbicide is not advised because it's often difficult to direct the spray only on the weeds without also touching on desirable plants - especially in our windy country.
Here's a method we feel is safe and effective:
Wearing rubber gloves, dip a cloth into a solution of Roundup (glyphosate), wring out the cloth to remove excess, and wipe the cloth over weed leaves. Then be patient:it takes 7 to 10 days for Roundup to do its job. By the way, we prefer using Roundup concentrate (1 part concentrate to 2.5 parts water) rather than the ready-to-use formula, which is a weaker solution and thus not as effective.